Inden længe går turen igen til England for at studere årets haver. Og jeg glæder mig til turen som et barn før juleaften. Blandt de haver, som vi i år har valgt til årets tur, er disse:
På hjemmesiden kan man bl.a. læse: "Waterperry Gardens er et magisk sted, hvor du er omgivet af smukke træer, buske og blomster, klassiske grænser, moderne udplantning, hemmelige hjørner og lange udsigter. Hjem til den berømte havebrug kollegium mellem 1932 og 1971 blev der lagt fokus på fødevareproduktion snarere end spektakulære prydhaver. I løbet af de sidste tyve år, selv haver har udviklet og dyrket, og mange nye projekter er blevet gennemført og afsluttet. Du finder her en Formel Have, en rose-have, Åkande kanalen og "Long Colour Border", og vi for nylig plantet et lille arboret i engområde over kanalen."
Anlægget rummer blandt andet "The Peto Water Garden" som jeg glæder mig til at se. Også andre haverum, der ser interessante ud.
"To enjoy Buscot Park to the full, time should be taken to explore the extensive pleasure gardens that surround the late eighteenth-century house. To the west of the house, the mellow red-brick walls of the original kitchen garden now shelter the Four Seasons garden, bright with the blooms of spring bulbs, flowering trees and drifts of multi-coloured day lilies, according to the time of year. To the east, woodland walks lead to one of Britain’s finest water gardens, an unusual marriage of Italianate formality with an English parkland landscape. From the south front of the house, the carriage drive sweeps away to the south east, down through mature woodland. From the north front of the house, the views take in the Little Lake and the Thames plain beyond. From neither point is any clue given of the splendid water garden that lies to the east of the house, reached by following the steps from the north terrace."
"To enjoy Buscot Park to the full, time should be taken to explore the extensive pleasure gardens that surround the late eighteenth-century house. To the west of the house, the mellow red-brick walls of the original kitchen garden now shelter the Four Seasons garden, bright with the blooms of spring bulbs, flowering trees and drifts of multi-coloured day lilies, according to the time of year. To the east, woodland walks lead to one of Britain’s finest water gardens, an unusual marriage of Italianate formality with an English parkland landscape. From the south front of the house, the carriage drive sweeps away to the south east, down through mature woodland. From the north front of the house, the views take in the Little Lake and the Thames plain beyond. From neither point is any clue given of the splendid water garden that lies to the east of the house, reached by following the steps from the north terrace."
Cotwolds-haveshopping. Mest af alt for at se, hvad der rører sig i den engelske haveverden, og selvfølgelig for at se alle de mange have-"goodies" IRL.
Et gensyn med haven ved Hidcote Bartrim!
"Hidcote is an Arts and Crafts garden in the north Cotswolds, a stone’s throw from Stratford-upon-Avon. Created by the talented American horticulturist, Major Lawrence Johnston its colourful and intricately designed outdoor ‘rooms’ are always full of surprises. It’s a must-see if you’re on holiday in the Cotswolds. Explore the maze of narrow paved pathways and discover secret gardens, magnificent vistas and plants that burst with colour. Many of the plants found growing in the garden were collected from Johnston’s many plant hunting trips to far away places. It’s the perfect place if you’re in need of gardening inspiration. Find a quiet spot and sit on one of the ornate benches and watch green woodpeckers search for their lunch or listen to the calls from the buzzards circling overhead. Time it right and you might catch a glimpse of the elusive hummingbird moth. Meander through the intricate gardens and into the Wilderness. This secluded stretch of tall trees is just right for a picnic. Take a glimpse beyond the boundary and see the garden blend effortlessly into the countryside beyond. The Monarch’s Way path runs close-by. Follow it for a brief time from the car park and into the chocolate-box Cotswold hamlet of Hidcote Bartrim. You’ll be treated to traditionally thatched stone cottages that were once home to Johnston’s gardeners. They’re now owned by the Trust and rented out."
Glæder mig til selvsyn af havens "Mirror Pool", der er renoveret her i foråret 2014.
"Lady Bearsted was passionate about developing the gardens with designer Kitty Lloyd Jones. The sweeping lawn gives way to a series of terraces and herbaceous borders leading to a mirror pool. There is a kitchen garden, a tranquil bog garden, spring bulb displays and National Collection of Aster, flowering in late September."
"Lady Bearsted was passionate about developing the gardens with designer Kitty Lloyd Jones. The sweeping lawn gives way to a series of terraces and herbaceous borders leading to a mirror pool. There is a kitchen garden, a tranquil bog garden, spring bulb displays and National Collection of Aster, flowering in late September."
"Restaureret Tudor hus og have. .. Et hus til at drømme om, en have til at drømme i. Huset blev oprindeligt bygget i det 16. århundrede, men dens interiør blev grundigt restaureret mellem Første og Anden Verdenskrig af Graham Baron Ash med ønsket om at skabe en fascinerende 20. århundrede antydning af den indenlandske Tudor arkitektur. .. haven har berømte staudebede og en berømt samling af taks."
Det er jo en sand perlerække af steder der skal besøges! Det bliver helt sikkert eventyrligt. Rigtig god tur og forhåbentlig får vi dejlige reportager derfra på et senere tidspunkt :)
SvarSletDet kan du tro :-)
SletEr sikker på at der skal laves en virtuel havetur igen i år. Det var ret hyggeligt sidste år, hvor blandt andet Fru Friis og tante Grøn var med på bagsædet.
Dejlige haver, ser det ud til.
SvarSletHa' en super tur begge to :-)
Tak :-)
SletMillinium haven i Pensthorpe er tegnet af vores ven Piet Oudolf - lyder godt, ikk? :-)
Uhhhh, det ser godt nok dejligt ud. Og, jeg kan godt lide din indgang til haveshopping. Bare kigge. Selvfølgelig ;-)
SvarSlethæ hæ - du kender mig vist for godt efterhånden :-)